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Wathint'imbokodo is a shortened version of the isiZulu saying:

" Wathint'abafazi wathint'imbokodo."

This literally and figuratively means:

" When you strike a woman, you are striking a rock."


I am hoping this grows into a network of individuals who are consciously prioritising the provision of equal opportunities for all genders. 


I hope to grow and learn from the various contributors that will be supportive of this cause. Everyone is open to share on all platforms, whether be it in the media corner, the blogging space, the archives of good reads,etc. 


Most often I have found that as young people, we are aware of the advent issues that shape and impact our lives. Why are there so few of us actively participating as agents of change?


We need guidance and space to exercise power without fear.


I am hoping, again, that  this website becomes such a platform. Where we all guide and inspire each other towards being active agents of change in our society.


Hope. I have repeated this word a number of times here because its this intangible that we cannot ignore in ourselves or exstinguish in others. 


Any comments, questions or the like can be sent directly to Ayanda Tshabalala through the " Lets talk" comment page; or you can also email me at:


Follow me on twitter: @WathintImbokodo



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